welcome to...

these are some of
the words on the street...

{ uh yeah whatever }
love and be loved; have no real worries; have fun

basics college degree holding guy hanging out in an a/v booth.
time since birth at least 16489 days.
i plan, coordinate, and execute events for work and for play. i make my own fun, wherever i may be. i'll walk, ride, take a car or bus or train or boat or plane or other and see where it will take me. and sometimes, i'll sit and be comfortable.

i sleep about six to eight hours per night
i eat food is delicious. i heart going out. i used to consume til full, but now just til satisfied. once, i ate a single, double, and triple cheeseburger in one sitting. can't do it now, though... and that's fine with me. i don't like veggies, but i have had some. please consult for approved, unapproved, and banned lists.
i work let's say you want to have a party or host a lecture. we'll talk, and i'll help you make your vision a reality. and if you want to use my CD's, you're welcome to groove to them. i also answer random questions because i know random things.
i play i like to go on adventures. i like to do things. i like to travel to different municipalities, counties, states, countries, continents. i'm not a geography bee champion, but i have a decent sense of direction. once, when i was shuttled around a hospital after visiting the ER, i had to confirm which way was north. i watch tv programs and movies, though i have a "thing" for comedies, romantic comedies, teen romantic comedies, anything that has to do with heads of state, sports stories, and things that teach me things or show me the world, universe, or innards of atoms. yet, sometimes, i just don't like to exert effort. i meticulously score baseball games when in attendance, and support both chicago MLB teams.
i read? i know how. books, though? not really.

thank yous, credits, shout-outs
thank yous unordered, unexhaustive list, including but not limited to: mom, dad, mark, grace, denise, jorge, dyanna c, chris s, melanie k, carolyn t, jack t, julie y, tim m, rose m, heather w, zach s, megan s, susie w, tracy w, misato o, joe c, cornie c, michelle m, perla w, jess t, meghan j, cyril j, stacy w, joanna k, apollonia g, megan h, rhiannon h, jackie c, karen f, matt m, autumn b, haley g, natalie s, grace g, eva e, josh b, nicole m, jess p, tim p, kate t, doug k, mat r, kim s, liesel w, sid m, and the massive number of relatives, friends, teachers, co-workers, and others that helped shaped who i am and got me to where i am.
credits gandi.net, domain registrar; csoft.net, hosting; livejournal.com, web log host; twitter.com, micro blogging host; google.com, email and additional support; university of illinois and imsa, education.
shout-outs sweet goodness!, for all that is sweet and good; the spurlock museum, awesome place; wlrw-fm mix 94.5, wake-up radio station; facebook, preferred social networking site.

this is the Tuesday, October 22, 2024 version

[SG] I support Sweet Goodness!